Software solutions for microwave electronics

50ohm Technologies develops software for measurements automation, components modeling and RF and microwave circuits design
Our solutions
Performing simple daily operations in modern powerful EDA can take a significant part of the working present in a PDK.

DataViewer is an auxiliary tool for microwave semiconductor electronic engineers. With DataViewer you can quickly display, process, analyze and convert results of microwave components measurements in different data file types.
Success stories
  • 50ohm Technologies produces excellent budget solutions that help us with prompt proceeding and analyzing of measurements results. We want to highlight intuitive UI and support of custom software extension.
    Aleksey Kondratenko
    Lead Engineer of AVK Design Team Company
  • Microwave circuit design often requires the specialized utilities and software development since the existing standard solutions are rarely optimal. This distracts designer from the primary task.
    The uniqueness of the 50ohm Technologies team is that they precisely understand the technical tasks essence, choose efficient solutions for their products, and meet client halfway with solving the professional and organizational issues.
    Alexey Budyakov
    Deputy CEO for Research "Innocenter VAO" Ltd
  • The on-line measurement analysis is an essential feature for the thin-film microwave resonators development.
    Cooperation with 50ohm Technologies allowed our company to simplify and speed up the data processing significantly.
    We've received a convenient and reliable software product due to the expertise and attention to our requirements from the company team.
    Ivan Shukov
    Analyst Engineer JSC "Svetlana-Rost"
Our partners
If you are interested in becoming a partner or sponsor, please feel free to write us.
+7 (923) 408-04-08
Tomsk, Russia

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All materials of the site (including graphic materials) belong to the company 50ohm Tecnhologies. Any use of information about the company and products only with the prior consent of the copyright holder.
Research is carried out with the Skolkovo Foundation grant support