software solution for displaying, processing and analyzing results of microwave components measurements
Simplify your work
Performing simple daily operations in modern powerful EDA can take a significant part of the working time.

A simple task — viewing measurements in EDA — forces us to perform a whole sequence of actions: upload files, create graphics, select the list of required characteristics and link them to the required files. Such preparatory actions take a lot of time every day.

We respect your time and we want the working hours to be spent only on interesting, creative tasks. That's why we developed the DataViewer program for you.
Measurement analysis is easier
DataViewer is an auxiliary tool for microwave semiconductor electronic engineers. With DataViewer you can quickly display, process, analyze and convert results of microwave components measurements in different data file types.
Choose tab
The each tab contains predefined set of plots for different tasks.
Add files
Add measurement files in different formats to tab with Drag&Drop.
It is done!
The measurements is shown on graphs by only two steps. No unnecessary actions, no extra time.
Solution for everyone
DataViewer can solve the daily tasks of various radioelectronics specialists.
  • For Measurement Engineers
    Top requested characteristics are implemented in DataViewer. We added them on plots and organized in tabs. All you have to do is just to upload update files into DataViewer (drag-and-drop supported) and characteristics will be promptly displayed for all of them.
  • For Modeling Engineers
    At special SDelta tab you can perform a prompt comparison of one-, two-, three-, and four-port scattering parameters. Drag-and-drop to this tab files you need, select in drop-down menu error type and software will build absolute and relative error plots for operating band.
  • For Circuit Designers
    With our software solution, microwave integrated circuit designers can quickly analyze and select database taking into account files containing measurement results. With DataViewer you can prompt both displaying and comparing of noise parameters, gain and stability factors.
  • For Process Engineers
    DataViewer helps microwave circuit process engineers to estimate static and microwave characteristics and their variation. Experimental data can be stored either as standard or custom file format. If you work with custom data formats, you could use Custom TextViewer tab.
  • For Scientists
    It is one of the most routine and time-consuming operation whether you deal with paper, report or datasheet.

    DataViewer takes into account all features of graphics creation and simplifies its handling, export into a vector and bitmapped format.
  • For Education
    This program simplifies the understanding of microwave measurements analysis and interpretation, and its intuitive interface will drown them into process.
DataViewer as a Platform
DataViewer can be extended by additional tools, including developed by your custom order.
The program already contains such modules as:
— De-embedding;
— Passive Components Modeling;
— DSA Errors.

Describe your problem and we will develop an individual solution for your business.

Get early access

It is important for us to know your opinion in order to make our products better. To do this, we provide early access to beta versions. Subscribe to the newsletter for the DataViewer and get the product installer for free. We will be glad to receive your feedback and improve the product.
Take part in the beta testing for free
Please provide your email to get link to the Inductor toolbox installer. Also you will be subscribed to our newsletters. Your will receive about one letter a month.
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Please enter your email and our staff will contact you.
By clicking on the button, you consent to the processing of personal data and agree with the privacy policy
Give feedback
Do you have questions? Found an error in the program or do you want to suggest improvements?
Write to us using the form below.
+7 (923) 408-04-08
Tomsk, Russia

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All materials of the site (including graphic materials) belong to the company 50ohm Tecnhologies. Any use of information about the company and products only with the prior consent of the copyright holder.
Research is carried out with the Skolkovo Foundation grant support