Smart HEMT Modeling
AWR Design Environment Wizard for fast and accurate small-signal modeling
Small-signal transistor models can be helpful for a variety of activities such as understanding of device physics, analysis of device performance, characterization/comparison of fabrication processes, bottom-up construction of large-signal models, extraction of intrinsic noise parameters and also MMIC design. However, manual model building can readily become a tedious task due to a vast number of different small-signal modeling approaches. Even when an appropriate modeling technique is identified, the issues with extraction and further export of multiple small-signal models to the EDA tool may take a lot of time.

That is where the Smart HEMT Modeling Wizard comes to the aid. Using the measured S-parameters of the pHEMT under various bias conditions it will automatically build corresponding small-signal models directly in AWR Design Environment.
Leave the modeling task to your EDA tool
Configuring and adjusting the modeling workflow which includes extraction and optimization of the model parameters are considered to be the most complex and time-consuming tasks in the whole process of the model development. In Smart HEMT Modeling we completely automated these routines enabling the opportunity to visually check the quality of small-signal models being built. Load S-parameters, run the modeling procedure and use small-signal models directly in EDA.
Build multiple small-signal models in a few clicks
How it works
Follow these simple steps to build multiple small-signal models:
Load cold-mode and operation point S-parameters
The program requires several measured S-parameters to extract parasitic and intrinsic transistor parameters
Add extracted small-signal models to the AWR project
The program needs a few seconds to create a small-signal modeling project template
Visually check the quality of extracted models
Several plotting modes are available including S-parameters magnitude in dB and phase on rectangular plots as well as complex S-parameters on Smith charts
Optimize extracted small-signal models to improve the total accuracy
Start using obtained small-signal models in EDA
Small-signal equivalent circuit models will be available in the AWR project after using the wizard

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It is important for us to know your opinion in order to make our products better. To do this, we provide early access to beta versions. Subscribe to the newsletter for the Smart HEMT Modeling and get the product installer for free. We will be glad to receive your feedback and improve the product.
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Other features
Smart HEMT Modeling approach can be expanded to other types of models (temperature and geometry scalable, noise, nonlinear etc.) and elements (passive, SMD components). We can develop a solution for device modeling according to your needs.
Give feedback
Do you have questions? Found an error in the program or do you want to suggest improvements?
Write to us using the form below.
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+7 (923) 408-04-08
Tomsk, Russia

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All materials of the site (including graphic materials) belong to the company 50ohm Tecnhologies. Any use of information about the company and products only with the prior consent of the copyright holder.
Research is carried out with the Skolkovo Foundation grant support